Deutsches Gold: nein, ihr könnt euer Gold nicht sehen

Stellungnahme zum Interview von Grant Williams „Shocking truth about missing German Gold“

von Peter Boehringer (Deutsche Edelmetall-Gesellschaft)

Bevor wir wieder mit Hinweisen und Rückfragen zum (untenstehenden) KWN-Interview / Artikel von Grant Williams „Shocking Truth About The Missing U.S. & German Gold Hoards“ zugeschüttet werden, gleich hier das offizielle Statement der Bürgerinitiative „Holt unser Gold heim“ dazu:

1. Es ist wahrscheinlich, dass Williams weitgehend recht hat! Wobei (wie ja schon oft erläutert) „weg“ auch bedeuten könnte, dass die Gold-Barren zwar physisch vorhanden sind – buchhalterisch aber „mehrere Eigentümer“ haben, was auf dasselbe hinausläuft (für fast alle vermeintlichen Eigentümer wäre es dann „weg“, wenn es etwa in einer Währungskrise darauf ankäme, Physisches in der Hand zu haben); was im Interview auch so gesagt wird.2. Wie alle –speziell US-amerikanischen– Quotensucher kann auch Grant Williams im KWN-Interview seine Aussagen nicht gerichtsfest belegen. Und wie andere Referenten vor ihm (etwa Jim Rickards oder William Kaye oder gar die Talking Heads von CNBC o.ä.) hat auch Grant keinerlei Insiderwissen über den Zustand des Goldes in den Kellern der Fed oder der Bundesbank. Die Indizien, die zu seiner „shocking“ Überschrift führen, stellt er aber recht gut dar – es sind noch lange nicht alle… Und natürlich zeigen die Wortwahl und die Frequenz solcher Artikel in ausländischen Medien eindrucksvoll auf, wie relevant für die internationale Finanzwelt die Frage nach der unangetasteten Existenz speziell des deutschen Goldhorts ist!

3. Weil Beweise noch nicht erbracht sind, macht die Aktion „Holt unser Gold heim“ auch weiterhin keine apodiktischen und alarmistischen Aussagen „Oh Schreck – es ist weg!“ / „Shocking truth about the missing gold!“. Unser Vorgehen ist und bleibt Insistenz bzw. öffentliches Nachhaken bei BuBa und Fed um aussagekräftige Antworten samt Beweisen!

4. Die Beweislast allerdings liegt bei diesen Volksvermögen eindeutig bei der Fed und der Bundesbank! Alleine das deutsche Gold hätte einen Wert von über 140 Mrd Dollar; das US-eigene Gold über 340 Mrd Dollar. Das von uns vermutete fractional gold banking scheme trägt maßgeblich dazu bei, dass die Zinsen von („risikolosen“…) Staatsanleihen inmitten der totalen Überschuldung der Welt in groteske Tiefen geschraubt werden konnten, weil der Preis der einzigen tatsächlich Emittenten-Risiko-freien Konkurrenz der Staatsanleihen namens Gold auf diese Weise künstlich gedrückt werden konnte und kann. Der den Sparern der Welt dadurch entstehende Zinsschaden liegt noch um ein Vielfaches über dem direkten Risiko für unser goldenes Volksvermögen. Von allen anderen Folgen der durch absurd-künstliche Niedrigstzinsen ermöglichten Kreditorgien, Falschgelddruckerei und Makroklempnerei in unseren Gesellschaften ganz zu schweigen.

5. Selbst wenn das Gold (was zu vermuten ist) in seiner originalen Barrenform der 1960er Jahre teilweise oder gar ganz „weg“ wäre, dann müssten die „Treuhänder“ Fed und/oder BuBa das fehlende Gold eben im Markt zurückkaufen und ausliefern. Dann wäre zwar der Fall erst recht interessant für Kriminalisten und für Historiker (heimliches fractional gold banking der vergangenen Jahrzehnte?!) – aber der materielle Schaden heute wäre heilbar; und das mit der heutigen Verwahrungs-, Verleihungs- und Bilanzierungspraxis der ZBs denkbare und kriminelle fractional gold banking wäre dann beendet! Mit potenziell dramatischen Konsequenzen – denn es könnten uU Tausende Tonnen an ZB-Gold tatsächlich fehlen.

6. Grant macht im Artikel viele korrekte Aussagen – darunter diese wichtige: „So if we do get to the point where gold can’t be delivered, as long as everybody keeps quiet about it, maybe nobody will panic.“ Leider sind wir noch nicht an dem von Williams dann im Folgesatz vorausgesagten Punkt: „But ultimately entities who are not in the ‚club‘ will want their gold back and they are going to start making some noise about it.” Die Kabale der Zentralbanken, Geschäftsbanken und der System-devoten Medien hält speziell bei dieser so kritischen Frage zum Status der (vorgeblich seit 1971 fast unveränderten) 30.000 Tonnen an ZB-Gold noch immer eisern zusammen bzw. golden schweigend den Mund.

7. Grant Williams kommt hier aber zur richtigen Forderung: Physisches unabhängiges Audit in allen relevanten Tresoren samt Offenlegung und Abprüfung aller Barrennummern auf Doppeleigentümerschaften. Dann könnte es für die weltweiten institutionellen „Goldexperten“ im arglosen Mainstream sehr große Überraschungen zu fehlenden Beständen geben! Soweit solche seriösen, gleichzeitigen und physischen Audits nicht möglich sind bzw. nicht zugelassen werden, muss die Ware in die jeweiligen Eigentümer-Länder repatriiert werden. Genau unsere langjährigen Forderungen also: „Holt unser Gold heim!“ !

Kongresshinweis (u.a. zu diesem Thema Zentralbank-Gold):
„Stuttgart 4. Oktober 2014: ‚Das geheime Wissen der Goldanleger‘ „


Shocking Truth About The Missing U.S. & German Gold Hoards (KingworldNews)

[Deutsche Übersetzung hier auf „“: „Die schockierende Wahrheit über die fehlenden amerikanischen und deutschen Goldvorräte“ ]

Today one of the most highly respected fund managers in Singapore takes King World News readers around the world on a shocking trip down the dangerous and secretive rabbit hole of the missing U.S. and German gold hoards. Below is what Grant Williams, of Vulpes Precious Metals Fund, had to say in this fascinating interview.
Eric King: “Grant, in yesterday’s KWN interview William Kaye was accusing the US government of using disinformation agents in the gold community to sell the ‘fairy tale’ that the United States still has its entire 8,100-ton gold hoard safely vaulted in the U.S. He pointed out that Germany was supposed to get a tiny portion of its gold back (300 tons), which is allegedly safely stored in the U.S., and so far they have received only 5 tons and it wasn’t even the same gold Germany deposited.”

Williams:The German gold repatriation situation has been fascinating from Day 1 and continues to be. I think the motives behind making that announcement have probably been overtaken by events. From the moment Hugo Chavez repatriated the Venezuelan gold, I said this is the start of a game of musical chairs that is going to end very, very badly….

“I think the Germans felt as though they had to say something about repatriating their gold, and we’ve seen a bunch of other countries in much smaller amounts do this as well. I think the Bundesbank felt that with the focus the Germans have on monetary prudence, they felt they had to say something.

So they made the statement that they were going to get a portion of their gold back from the United States. But since that time their repatriation has been overrun by a series of events, especially the fact that the gold that is supposed to be on deposit in the United States just isn’t there. It’s not in the U.S. vaults because it’s gone.

So now there is this attempt to put the genie back in the bottle. Well, it’s one thing to attempt to put the genie back in the bottle, but it’s another thing to do that. So they have resorted to Play No. 1 of central banks, which is just to be quiet about the situation. But there are now too many guys looking at this German situation and the announcement that they have gotten back only 5 tons of gold has left them with egg all over their faces.

Again, the only defense for German central planners has been silence. As I said before, that’s fine for a while. But silence tends to get more and more people curious because there is no reason for silence when a central bank is supposed to be operating for the citizens of a country it’s based in.

And clearly some of these things that go on at central banks are counter to the best interests of the people residing in those countries. I think Bill Fleckenstein has been very consistent in his views on this. I agree with him that central banks are the cause of all these bubbles. So I don’t think there is a chance in hell that all that German gold is sitting in the vaults of the United States where it’s supposed to be. And I certainly don’t think the exact bars Germany deposited some 50 or so years ago are still in place.

But the problem the United States has is that with the gold the central banks and the agent bullion banks who have leased out that gold over the years, they all have a vested interest in not scaring foreign holders of gold that is supposed to be safely stored in the United States. So if we do get to the point where gold can’t be delivered, as long as everybody keeps quiet about it, maybe nobody will panic.

But ultimately entities who are not in the ‘club’ will want their gold back and they are going to start making some noise about it. At that point they will have to find the gold somewhere. And if all that gold is in places where it’s tightly held, it will be an interesting situation to play out.”

Eric King: “I agree with you, Grant, that obviously the German gold is not in the vaults of the United States, which is why Germany has received only 5 tons back and the bars did not match those that were deposited in the U.S. in the first place. But William Kaye has accused the United States and its disinformation agents of lying to people by spreading the ‘farcical’ claim that the entire 8,100-ton U.S. gold hoard is still safely vaulted in the United States.”

Williams: “If you do look at the numbers in the gold market, it’s hard to see how the U.S. gold hoard of 8,133 tons that is supposedly sitting safely in the vaults has not already been mobilized as part of this price suppression scheme. So I don’t think there is any chance that the gold is all there in U.S. vaults.

I think the fact that an audit is fought so hard by the guys who are running this operation just screams louder than anything that the U.S. gold is no longer in vaults in the United States. It’s the simplest thing to have a handful of journalists taken into the vaults as a full audit was being done to show the world that the stacks of thousands of tons of gold bars are real and still in the vaults. Let’s face it — the journalists are not going to steal any because they would be surrounded by armed guards.

So the fact that no one is allowed to see the gold stored in the U.S. vaults and it hasn’t been audited since Eisenhower was in office is the biggest damnation of the lies being spread in the gold world that the U.S. has all its gold.”

Eric King: “Along those lines, Grant, Germany asked to see its gold that is supposed to be safely stored in the vaults in New York and Germany was essentially told, ‘Don’t even show up at the Fed because we are not going to let you enter the vault.’”

Williams: “Yes, these are the type of actions you see in a desperate situation. Germany was told this was for ‘security reasons.’ So you can say the stupidest things and as long as everybody puts his fingers in his ears and just takes things at face value, the U.S. Fed can just keep doing this stuff.

But then it got to the situation where the Germans essentially said, ‘We will be in town next week and we want to see our gold.’ That was the point where the U.S. Fed was backed into a corner and had to say, ‘No, you can’t see your gold,’ which was just farcical. The U.S. was saying to another country: ‘The core of your asset — I’m afraid you can’t see it.’ [LAUGHTER.]

There is no possible reason why the U.S. would not let the Germans see their gold. It’s not ‘a security issue.’ It’s Germany’s gold. The whole thing is preposterous. However, it is a security issue if the vault is empty or damn near empty. Then you can’t let the Germans in because it really is a security issue. So when a country is backed into a corner the way the U.S. was with regards to the German gold, well, desperate times call for desperate measures.”

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Deutsches Gold: nein, ihr könnt euer Gold nicht sehen
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